A Healthy Dose of Doubt

Writer F. Scott Fitzgerald once said, “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in the mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.”

Anyone making tough business choices can surely appreciate this adage. How often do you find yourself trapped by indesicion simply from weighing the pros and cons of your future actions?

However, fortune favors the bold and great leaders build companies brick by brick, navigating difficult paths, while seeing and capitalizing on the patterns that dictate success. Step by sometimes meticulous step, intiatives are seized, creativity abounds and the fortress is strengthened. This is the timeless story of achievement and its simplicity is beautiful.

The connections behind the scenes should also be simple (and smart), allowing pure workflow that knows no limits and can capture the winning combinations needed to put another brick in the wall.

So second guess yourself all you want, the best do. Then go forward, simply, with confidence.

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